Saturday, February 16


being the good student i am, i grabbed my backpack and treked all the way to the 5th floor of the library with my monster of a laptop on a saturday morning to begin working on my history paper that is due monday.
being the absent minded person i am, after making it to the library and setting everything up, i've managed to forget the one book i need in order to write this paper. i've also forgotten my head phones, which i would really like to have.
i am not about to pack all up and hike back to the dorm, grab the book, and come back. i guess it was just destined for me to procrastinate.
so instead of writing an intelligent history paper, i sit here writing on my blog... shall i fill you in on what's been going on lately.

well, lets start with the fact that the stomach flu has succesfully infiltrated our suite and has taken over our two suitemates this past week. so far, my roomie and i have managed to not get it. lets hope it stays that way.

in the matter of about one day, my sleeping habits have changed. no longer am i in bed at 10pm and up all fresh and happy in the morning. now, you're looking at a changed woman. i have tasted the fun of a late night doing homework and hanging out in the basement... the fun that happens after 10pm... i'm now quite the night owl. i know, i am quite shocked too. and its not even that my homework isn't done... i have plenty of time to finish it before tennis, it's just i like saving some of it now. i wouldn't call that procrastination.

i've been exposed to the greatness known as hobby lobby. my roomie and i went to hobby lobby last night, and let me tell you, this place is awesome. so much stuff... paper, yarn, all sorts of crafty stuff... and super cheap. almost everything was 50% off when we went. amazing.

snow. i absolutely love it... can't get enough of it. here's a fun little weather fact. last year, during the time period of december through february, grand rap had five days where they had 3 inches of snow or more in a day. this year, from december through the first week of february, grand rap has had ten days where we have gotten 3 inches of snow or more in a day... and we've had plenty since then. that's just a little example of how much snow we have been getting. so much fun.

it's sibling's weekend here at calvin, and everyone's got their little siblings running around, eating in the dining halls, playing in the dorms. it's really cute. it makes me wish my brothers were here (although, they aren't exactly younger siblings). funny thing: in the dining hall, there was a guy with his little brother, and he and his brother were smuggling out some food (a common occurence here) and he was giving his little bro the advice on making it out without getting caught: "dude, you just gotta walk out like you own the place." funny.

first two tennis matches coming up this friday and saturday--saturday's is in wisconsin. i've never been to wisconsin... i'm excited to add another state to my list and snap another picture of a "welcom to..." sign. those are my favorite. i want to make a collage of all the ones i have.
maybe that's what i'll do right now, since i don't have my paper materials.
***update*** did it... except i can't seem to find my ohio sign... i'll keep searching.***

and the most important news of all.
oh my goodness, i almost cried when i found out about this.
are you ready for this? cause it's HUGE.
no longer will polaroid be making polaroid instant film!!! i freaked out when i saw this. i have my super old polaroid camera here that i believe was my grandma's from when they first came out. so i'm gonna go out and stock up on some polaroid film.
this is huge, i mean, it's going to mark the beginning of a whole new era... kind of like, now, instead of 2008 A.D. it's going to be 1 A.P. ... after polaroid.

crazy times.

well, i am going to go work on that collage now.


1 comment:

  1. No more of that film? WHAT?!! That really does stink.

    And I know it is crazy that something could be better than Golden Spoon. I'll say it's the Golden Spoon of San Diego. :)
