Wednesday, March 19

jump right in

so i was informed by my pe 204 teacher today that next week, we begin the teaching unit... where we each lead an entire pe class (ranging anywhere from k-8) for an entire class period. i was assigned to teach volleyball to a fourth grade class next thursday... as in one week from tomorrow. i have to have my lesson plan ready by monday. i've got mixed reactions: first--sweet, this is gonna be fun, and this is really cool. second--crap, this is kind of crazy. and i just laugh that of all things that i could have been teaching, i was assigned volleyball for my first lesson ever. for those of you who don't know, me and volleyball have some issues when it comes to that little skill called 'setting.' on top of that, we are being video taped and mic-ed (? how do you spell that... as in, wearing a microphone). should be fun. especially cause my prof assures us that most do horribly and lose control.

so tomorrow marks the beginning of a wonderful class schedule. Now that i am done with education and creative dance, i only have two classes on tuesday (done at 11:20) and one class on thursday (done at 9:50 am). sweet? i think so.

not much else going on... we've got friday off, so i'll just be hanging around... i have an english paper due monday. i hate monday papers.
speaking of english, i have to go meet with my english prof right now.
so i best be off.
ciao for now, friends.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH YOUR CHIN LOOKS VERY PAINFUL. I'm sorry about that... :(
