Tuesday, March 25

"oh wow"

not exactly the words you want to hear a doctor say when they are using one of their fancy medical tools to look in your ear. "doesn't get much worse than that." another thing you don't want to hear. she then proceeds to look in the other ear. "i lied. this is worse."
so yup, i've got a pretty gnarly ear infection. what tipped me off that i might need to see a doctor?
well, with about 30 minutes to go on my flight from vegas to chicago, it felt like someone had taken 3 inch nails and hammered them into my eardrums. i guess the pressurized cabins do that to an ear infection. i couldn't hear anything for the rest of the flight, and then once we landed and i got out, it felt like i was wearing ear plugs. it was so bad that i refused to get on my connecting flight to GR, and waited another two hours on stand by to get on a later one. in those two hours i wrote a research paper for english. after a quick flight to GR, i then proceeded to skip the rest of my classes that day. and luckily, the tennis match for that day was canceled.
but now i am on some meds, and all is good.
back in michigan where it SNOWed today. crazy. i hope it starts getting a tad bit warmer soon though, cause i want to play tennis outside in the nice fresh air.
i've got quite the bit of homework tonight, so i should get on that.
ciao for now

1 comment:

  1. MORPHINE!!!
    I hope you feel better soon. Ear infections are terrible.
