Sunday, March 2

que sera, sera

If love is an ocean wide // We’ll swim in the tears we cry // They’ll see us through to the other side // We’re gonna make it // When love is a raging sea // You can hold on to me // We’ll find a way tonight // Love is an ocean wide

fantastic song by "The Afters" on their new album. Another highly recommended band.
What a weekend, i must say. It's been a weekend where I've realized the importance of context. Context changes a lot of things... so make sure you always know the context of the situation.

And so the week begins... I am excited for this week for a couple of reasons. first, of course, last week til spring break. also, i get to visit with the verwys family who is out here right now.

I spent some time today looking back at posts from this time last year.... some fun stuff going on. lots of talk about chick-fil-a, senioritis, and wondering when my time for calvin will ever come. there was also a mention of a countdown til my first day of college. looking back at my anticipation and excitement for the time that i currently find myself in, i am reminded to soak it all in. I looked forward to all this for so long, and now i am here. it's time to take my time and enjoy it all. and, in case any of you were wondering, i still get those giddy moments :)

have a wonderful weekend y'all.
much love.

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