Sunday, May 11

winding down

it may be time for exams, but that doesn't mean that there's no time for fun. so here are some pictures from the last week or so. we had our floor picture (its not all the girls, but most of us) on tuesday, so that was kind of fun. Lets see... then on friday (no class), i was fortunate enough to have some visitors--allison and tessa. good time... got to show off my room, although its a bit bare compared to how it normally is, you know, cause we've been packing things up. they did get to experience the infamous futon though. and tessa kept sticking her tongue out at me all day... it was hilarious.
then tonight, i made pasta with my mom's recipe (sauce from scratch... my first time EVER) for some of my friends on the floor. i was super nervous, but it all turned out fairly good, if i may say so myself. so now i super full and about to get back to some studying. i don't have my next (and last) two exams until wednesday, so the studying is pretty laid back right now.
well, enjoy the pics.


  1. "i super full"
    i laughing at you.
    i also laughing because dead bird falling from sky out of nowhere on car.

  2. Mmm... that pasta is making me super hungry. I love how Tessa is sporting her Calvin sweatshirt. :)

  3. So great seeing you in YOUR element :)
