Saturday, July 12

up to no good

what better thing to do after eating at mad munchies than to sneak into a playground at night and have some fun.

this picture of us hanging down... well, that would be me and allison... a junior at calvin who has an almost identical background when it comes to the greek and lebanese blood. for some reason, people have a hard time telling us apart... so, she gets called cristina and i get called allison at least twice a day. it's kind of ridiculous. our own supervisor has to take a few seconds before saying our name. anyhow, she's super cool (as are all greeks) and we had a blast on the playground tonight.

these parting shots would be our epic escape... from imaginary cops. we're kind of dorks... especially because if you look closely, the gate right to the right of us is open... hence the following picture.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like too much fun. I've showed some of your pictures to my parents and they think it looks beautiful.
