Friday, January 15

adventures outside the cubicle

the phone rang. it was the first time ever. i let it ring again. "operator" appeared on the phone screen. i picked it up mid third ring.
"this is cristina."
according to the voice on the other end, i had an audria on the line for me.
that's when it hit me. what do i say to that? what do i say to the operator? Do I say, "okay," or, "patch her through," or, "that's nice."
so I said "ya."
my phone rang a second time that day. this time i responded to the operator with a simple, "thank you."
I'm a seasoned pro at the telephone at work now. I've made plenty of outgoing phonecalls.
* * *
The same day of my first incoming calls, I made 4 ventures: 2 to the water cooler and 2 to the vending machine.
The water cooler was no problem--i had my cup, filled it up, walked back to my desk, and downed it.
Vending machine. That was a whole other beast. I was very self conscious about getting some good ol' fashioned candy out of the vending machine. I felt it would age me--oh look at her, she's just a young intern, her and her vending machine m&ms.
once the courage was mustered up, i quietly walked the 20 or so paces to the vending machine.
the dollar went in. then it was spit out. i jumped at how noisy the rejection was. i tried again. failed again. try. fail. the sound of the repeated fails at the vending machine was attracting to much attention so i hastily grabbed the dollar and shamefully walked back to my desk.
20 minutes later, the same exact thing happened.

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