Thursday, August 3

nobody was harmed (badly) in the happening of this VERY embarassing moment....

okay, so i will let you all in on an embarassing moment that just happened about 15 minutes ago...
so, i went on a bike ride this morning with a friend to the beach. after we got back, we went our separate ways, and i had about half a mile to go home. i decided to take sidewalks since i was just cruising along. i get to the side street that takes me to the street that my house is on, and i see someone i recognize about a half a block ahead of me. then i realized that i was being whacked in the face by these untamed vines that were growing on the wall to my right... so what do i do? i go on the grass, and then when i go from the grass back to the sidewalk... i completly ate it... luckily my feet weren't clipped in because i had unclipped in case i would fall... which is exactly what i did. i fell straight into the vines, scraping up my knee and only my knee... nothing else was harmed. but embarassing as that is alone, it gets worse. remember that person i recognized???? my honors chemistry teacher and his two grandchildren. yup. that was embarassing.
i immediately got up and on my bike (it didn't hurt, it just looked really bad. honestly, it just stung a little). so i biked up to my teacher and when he saw that i was fine, he was laughing, i was laughing, his grandchildren were... well, i don't think they were laughing, they actually looked a little confused. anyway, i exchanged a few humorous words with him and he swore himself to secrecy. I completed the 20 yards i had left between the crash zone and my house and laughed a little more.
life would be way too long if i couldn't learn to laugh at some of the stuff i do :)
here's a pic after i cleaned up a bit

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