Saturday, August 5

So, on a rainy day, Dr.Porter told us this story about his friend...

His friend (lets call him Bob) went skydiving in Hawaii for his first time ever, and managed to drag this other friend (lets call him Joe) with him because he didn't want to go alone. Well, after going through all the safety classes and lessons, Bob and Joe finally got suited up and on the plane.
So the plane took off, and they had a little while before they were up to jump, so they were just sitting, no parachutes on... just hanging out. Now, Joe was a little curious (maybe we should have called him George) and he wanted to go look out the plane (there was no door, just a big opening that they would jump through). So Joe went up to the instructor that was there with them and asked if he could look out. At first the instructor was against it, but then he said that as long as Joe was careful, held on to the hand holds, and was super careful since he didn't have his parachute on, he could.
So Joe made his way over to the door, and grabbed hold of the holds, and leaned out and saw the amazing view. And, just as he did so, the plane hit a pocket and the plane jerked a bit... just enough to knock Joe out of the plane without his chute...
Now, as Joe was falling from this plane without a chute, he had two options with the end of his life seeming to be inevitably close:
1: Get angry... why did I let my friend drag me in to this? If I hadn't gone, I wouldn't be in this situation... What kind of instructor was this guy to let me go to the door without a chute? What a terrible pilot, can't even read the turbulence. I can't believe these people!
2: Enjoy the view... Man, Hawaii looks great from up here! I never imagined how beautiful this looks... i can't really do anything now, so i might as well enjoy the view.... wow, the ocean is really blue!

Although option one seems more likely, our friend Joe chose option 2. How do we know? Well, the moment Joe fell out, the instructor put on his chute, and dove out of the plane. Knowing how to sky dive well, he went very fast and caught up to Joe, strapped himself to Joe, and pulled the string, opening the chute, and landing them both safely and alive.

As you may have guessed, there is a moral to this story, and there is a connection. First, the moral: when things go wrong (not always life and death like this story) or when things seem too much, or even when things just don't go your way or how you planned, you have a choice... get angry, start blaming, start saying all those "if onlys" and so on. Or, you can find the good, the bright, the "view" that can be enjoyed. It's certainly tough, and I learned how to have some patience tonight in relation to computers... it's funny how even though computers are the ones with the keys and buttons, it's the computers that always end up pushing my buttons. I had this video project that i am supposed to have finished tomorrow at 10 in the morning, but ever since i got back from hawaii, the computer has been broken (hard drive nearly crashed and had to be replaced). So it is just now (11:20 pm) fixed and ready to use. I am avoiding option 1, but it's hard to find how option 2 can work... we'll see... some flexibility will be needed tomorrow and hopefully i can turn it in later on in the day, because i need to sleep.

on that note, i will end...
well, one more thing:
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." Romans 8:28

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