Wednesday, October 10

its midnight... and i made another hat

it's official... i am addicted to knitting.

so after finishing my first hat this morning (which i wore to class haha), i got back and started on a new hat... one that would be a bit more my style. so i started a bit of knitting after lunch. after my night class, i sat down and knit knit knit.

and now i've got my new hat!!!

and yes, i am wearing my footie pajamas.
wind blew like crazy today... and tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 49 degrees!!!! wahoo!
tuesday night dinner is my favorite dinner of the week... gyros!
and tomorrow is my favorite lunch of the week... grilled PB and banana.
i know... me, eat bananas??? it is only in a grilled PB sandwhich that i will eat a banana.
i am super tired
time for bed
and yes... all my homework was done before i started knitting.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Stina!!!!
    I want two....maybe even three!
    Tippy wants one too.
