Wednesday, October 10


wow, so the last two posts were really random and done in the high of knitting... knitting works you guys... it's good stuff. as i was about to fall asleep, i was trying to remember what i was so angry about after class before i started knitting, and i realized that, even though i planned on thinking about it when i got back to my room, i completely forgot because i went knit crazy... and then shiloh came over, and we had a blast knitting. it's a community craft. it's genuinely good stuff!

so, some may wonder, what was i angry about?
first, let me tell you what i was happy about...
two days ago, i went to the fish house/johnny's, and on the way out, i wanted to get some dark chocolate (they raised the price to 25 cents, by the way). so i grabbed two and held out my two quarters saying, "just two of these."
it was the same old lady. she reached out her hand and closed my hand that held out the two quarters saying, "it's my little treat" and put a finger up to her mouth to signify to keep it hush hush. i was grabbing two this time so that this wouldn't happen, because i thought if i grabbed two, for sure she wouldn't give them to me for free. but this old lady is just too kind... i love her.
i actually avoided her for a week as to not seem like i expected her to give it to me for free... i didn't want it to be like i was taking advantage of her niceness. but nonetheless, she is awesome. she made me smile and see there is good in the world.

which brings me to why i was angry yesterday. yesterday, it finally just overloaded on me that there is a ton of not so good in this world... a ton of it. my reaction to that fact (which came along in my prelude class) is what made me angry. and on top of that, theology is really frustrating me... so many stinking questions.... the answer to the questions, are more questions (kind of like jeapordy). i'm the type of gal that likes solid answers... answers that don't comprise of a different question that adds a whole other level of confusion and frustration. for those who have read velvet elvis and the part about the trampoline, my theology class is basically taking out all the springs at once... kind of a faith examination overload. we have our test on friday... which is fine because i understand what's being taught... in a way, that's kind of the problem.

anyway, knitting made that all go away... and tennis (which is right after my theology class today) will do the same... i love that fuzzy yellow tennis ball :) i can't wait until tennis!!!!!!!!!

did i mention, a high of 48 degrees today?
and i am wearing my new hat :) speaking of which... i would love to make a hat/something for anyone and spread the knitting cheer... so if one desires, tell me two colors and we'll see what happens :)


  1. Alright, since it seems you have not started on the dress I requested yesterday, I decided on something a little simpler...
    K now think a size 2 to 4, you can make it any color you want, if you can do a lining for it then even better so I don’t get the breeze through the holes...Oh my! Just thought of something! I think my babies and Tippy would appreciate little sweaters for the winter time! Keep having fun and cut down the frustration by answering "because God is wise and he/she decided it should be that way." Hopefully that will truncate people from trying to confuse you. Otherwise just start speaking in tongues...pretty sure they'll leave you lone then... take care and good luck on your midterms...mine are coming up two...2 weeks into school and I'm already being tested! I need your email address!!!! Today a high of 76 with a chilly breeze...expect lower 50's tonight

  2. As long as you can get free chocolate...take advantage of it!

  3. no te gusta theology

  4. no ME gusta theology
