Friday, November 23


i'm pretty sure that i ate some amazing food and had a great thanksgiving. first off, it was different than any thanksgiving i have ever had before. one thing, on holidays and sundays, "dinner" is actually at lunchtime... so i had thanksgiving "dinner". i think i like it better that way, because then you have the rest of the day to just hang out, have a good time, and digest that food! and football... lots of football (go packers!).. both watching and playing football. rebekah's cousins (who are a bit younger) were there, so that was a blast. we always talk about how much we miss kids... they're just so much fun, but living on campus, we don't see many little kids.
i hope all of you had wonderful thanksgivings!

so i had a lazy day today... watched a lot of i love lucy (i love that show!)... and it was nice to just lay there and watch some tv. since i stopped watching my one show two episodes in to the season earlier this year (thinking i had '24' to look forward to... boy was i wrong), i haven't watched tv since the end of september. i don't feel so guilty about how much tv i watched today because of that.
another factor to the laziness of the day is i've caught a cold, and it's completely just pummeled me... one of those nose-ear-head-throat-sneeze-cough things that just zaps your energy. i guess when it's this cold out here, it's a bit easier to catch one. i was hoping to play a bit of tennis tomorrow, but i think i might have to skip if i plan on being healthy in time for tryouts on monday! eek, tryouts.
i think nervous would be an understatement... it's kind of like sophomore year of highschool all over again. it's one of those things where i'm super nervous, really antsy and wanting monday to come, but at the same time don't want it to come.
especially since i've got a 10 page theology paper due on friday. i am not enjoying that. and then my other 10 page paper due on the monday after that.

so the holidays are upon us... and i've gotten a little more excited for this holiday season than i have for others i think. we're gonna decorate our room with lights and what-not, and i think there is even a door-decorating contest within the dorms, so that should be fun.
another thing i am a bit nervous for... my christmas movie. yes, it's that time again, and i am super excited about it... or at least i could be super excited about it. i've got my movie all written up and ready to shoot... there's just one problem. i've cast the character of snow in my movie... so, in order for it to work, i need snow, and i need it for at least a whole day, probably two. hopefully the weather will cooperate in the next two and a half weeks. if not, i'm gonna have to scratch that movie and shoot a different one back home. maybe i should start writing my backup script?
so with that in mind, "let it snow!"

ciao for now!

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