Thursday, November 22

happy thanksgiving!

so what is a turkey's favorite desert?
peach gobbler...
haha, get it? gobbler, cobbler... i thought of that one during the race :)

so, this morning was exciting... i woke up, and excited to see the snow, i headed over to the prince conference center at 6:30 am to register... i jogged over cause it was stinking cold and snowing! turns out, in all the excitement of the snow, i forgot my wallet. so i ran back to my dorm, grabbed my wallet, and ran back, and registered. sweet tshirts this year :) then i met up with two of my friends from the ultimate team. one of them is crazy. he's run a 36 something 10K... he's a hardcore runner. he was nervous though cause he hasn't been running for the past few months. i'll come back to that in a sec.
so we ran, and as usual, i run for fun... and it was even more fun cause it was snowing! its amazing that at below 30 degrees, you can feel warm just cause you are running. but then 10 minutes after the race, it is so cold that your hands are burning... does that make sense, hands burning cause they are so cold? my friend finished 5th in the entire race... 5th! and he was worried? his time was something in the 16:00s... ya, he finished as i was hitting the two mile mark. haha
so, time for pictures!

so its not a ton of snow, but... its snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i bet most of you will be betting that the number of exclamation points will decrease rather rapidly once january and february hit, eh? well, i guess we'll see, but for now...

it's snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so i've gone from running along long beach last year to running around calvin in the snow this year... slight change, eh? :)
check it out... icicles !!!! i have never had to spell that word before... kind of wierd lookind...
aren't those cool? right outside my window!

well, have a wonderful thanksgiving!


  1. Stina,
    great pictures....SNOW!
    WE missed you...especially during the pumpkin pie part...

    20 days and counting!


  2. You call those Icicles - you haven't seen anything yet Stina!!!!

    Rachel's Mom
