Wednesday, February 6

free time

i'm taking a little break from my day to sit down and say hi.
saying that i've been a little busy would be quite the understatement. you see, when you've made a new year's resolution to be a model student and do all your reading and homework, it kind of ends up taking up a lot of time. it also shortens your day considerably when you make yourself finish all that homework before tennis practice because you know that you've got about 10 minutes after you get back from practice at 10:30pm and just crash for the night. what makes it even harder to skip out on homework is the fact that most of the reading and work is actually rather interesting, and, dare i say, entertaining. and that feeling of actually knowing what your professor is talking about in class because you did the reading the night before like you were supposed to... ya, so now that whole reading before class thing makes sense.
so classes have been busy... busy, but good.
right now, it is snowing really heavy, as it has been the entire day. forecast says 6-10 inches of snow today. isn't that amazing? its snowing super hard and the wind is blowing pretty good as well... so when walking paths, everybody's heads are down, not in an attempt to be anti-social but in attempt to save their eyes from being bombarded by the fine flakes flying in all directions.
by the way, to be random... i see that california voted for clinton... how did that happen? and don't anyone dare say its because i didn't vote. i've got my reasons.
creative dance class... i've been learning lots of things in that class that i've actually really enjoyed... things like, the fall and recovery theory, the shoulder girdle (my new favorite body part), and the three stages of learning a skill(cognitive, associative, and autonomic). for example, walking. do you realize how we walk with such little effort? i mean, i don't know about you guys, but when i walk, i don't focus and think to myself, left, right, left, right, left... what's next? oh ya, right. although with all this snow and ice i do pay a little more attention to my balance as i walk... in fact, judging by the numbers of slips i've seen lately, i'm thinking more people need to focus on that. anyway, it's wierd to think that it wasn't always that easy. a toddler, in the cognitive (earliest) stage of learning focuses so hard... you can just see the focus in the eyes of a toddler learning to stand up and figure out what to do in order to move themselves forward using their legs and feet... and then of course, falling multiple times before even getting that first step right. it's the same with every skill. heck, it's the same with almost all things in life. fascinating.
this friday... cold knight club here i come... my roomie and i are taking the plunge in the sem pond. i can't believe we are, but my motivation: free towel!
bummer: the indoor frisbee golf tournament in the library is february 22... the same day as my first tennis match which is a night match far away. i'm kind of really bummed about it.

well, its 3pm, and my free time is over.
ciao my friends.

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