Sunday, February 3

sled and climb

well, twas a fun weekend. a friend from home, danielle, came to check out calvin and see what this stuff is all about. after quite the travelling time, she finally made it to calvin, and rebekah and i played hostsesses. among the many fun things we did were a trip to meijer, lunch and Rose's on Reeds, and sledding. so this is a pic at rose's.
this is reed's lake frozen over with, yes, people ice fishing. the moment i saw this, i wanted to go ice fishing... like, really wanted to go ice fishing. so after talking to my friend angela, looks like i will be ice fishing some time this week. i am super excited.
sledding... my first time (except i think i went one time when i was 10 years old or something). anyway, our sleds? big metal cookie sheets. in this pic, you see danielle getting up and recovering from quite the ride, and me rubbing my back side... these metal sheets aren't very gentle on the rear... and lets just say, after one wipe-out imparticular, i've got a nasty bruise in a spot that hurts when you sit.

Rebekah and flat stanley... those two go everywhere together...
my preferred method of sledding... see the cookie sheet?

this is danielle... she looks pretty terrified... sorry i forgot to rotate it.
the three of us. what in the world would we do without the self-timer function.
so today, sunday, i went with my roomie, a friend from ultimate, and my roomie's brother and his fiance to inside moves... the indoor climbin gym. it was a ton of fun, but super tiring... super tiring.

here's my roomie climbin on up...

this is my roomie's brother... he's kind of crazy good.
me messing around in the bouldering section.
matt attempting the cave...

my favorite hold in the entire place... although, it seems to have absolutely no grip.
me attempting this doozy of a climb. it was very tough, very tiring.

roomies. what would we do without eachother. we found yet another reason for why we are roomies: our mutual love for this joke--
so there were these two muffins, hanging out in an oven, getting baked.
one muffin turned to the other and said, "man, it is really hot in here."
the other muffin looks at him and says, "holy crap! a talking muffin!"
haha, i love it.

speaking of ovens, that's exactly what the climbing gym was not. it wasn't even 50 degrees in the gym... so cold.
yup yup, good times.
ciao for now. have a good time.
PS so far, i am thoroughly disappointed by the overall quality of the super bowl commercials.


  1. well, being the considerate person i am, i was only worried for your safety as i came flying down the hill towards where you were standing taking the picture. therefore: the terrified look on my face.
    come on that's a believable story, right?... :)

    fun times!
