Sunday, November 9

here comes the snow, here goes the sun

it snowed today.
and by that, i mean, IT SNOWED A TON TODAY!
so incredibly awesome.
first snow of the year.
AND it stuck!
quick update on the life and times of cristina:
went to downtown chicago for the first time. pretty cool place. our little group of 5 missed the first metra train.
the metra is quite the experience.
as said by the boy sitting two seats away from me: "i LOVE TRAINS! trains are SO COOL!"
i am quite possibly going to be the owner of a tandem bicycle soon. thanks to craigslist and my new found persuasion/negotiating skills, a sweet retro tandem bike will be roaming the streets of GR.
of course, the timing couldn't be any worse, what with it being snow season and all.
nonetheless, i can't wait.
and my first article made it in last week's Chimes. it was pretty exciting. i've started my next article... i hope to submit it in not this week's but next week's paper.

well, 'tis all for now.

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