Thursday, November 6

A Life of Moments

The concept of life is fascinating.
Nothing is certain until it happens; and even then, we can sometimes find ourselves confused as to what exactly happened.
When life happens, I like to think of why it happens. Why is my life unfolding the way it is? Why do I have this life and not that life?

Then there are the little details of life--the seemingly superficial things that can stir up the deepest and most moving emotions. They are the moments that move you to laugh out loud, bring you to tears, make your heart stop, get your pulse racing. They are even the moments where you feel void of anything at all. Unpleasant and empty, those are the moments that lead us to question our ability to ever feel alive again.
Am I emotionally paralyzed? Or has the weight of the world merely sat on me too long, causing my soul to fall asleep like my butt does during a particularly long lecture?
Just like silence can be deafening, the absence of feeling can be painful.
A loss of feeling leads to a loss of self.
A loss of self leads to a loss of faith.
And a loss of faith ultimately leads to a loss of hope.

I'm not saying that this chain of events is immanent--if you find yourself starting to panic, don't throw your hands up in surrender just yet.
Remember, life is defined by moments, short or long, that we find ourselves in.
And there's no easy way to solve the problems of the tough moments life dishes out. There isn't a one word answer or spark notes on making it through the trying times.
I know. That sucks. And I thought not having sparknotes on The Canterbury Tales was disappointing.
But the best I've got to share isn't exactly something I cam up with. These words come from Brandon Heath:

"There is hope for me yet,
Because God won't forget
All the plans he has for me.
I'll just have to wait and see.
He's not finished with me yet."

I think there is great comfort to be found in knowing that God is going somewhere with my life. These moments aren't random and useless. One moment leads to another.
Yes, there are dark moments, but there are also many beautiful and bright moments...
And the wonderful thing is that both the dark and bright moments are what shape us.
In essence, we are a life of moments.

1 comment:

  1. Wise words from a very insightful and amazing young lady.

