Sunday, August 28


last night was spent in a korean/japanese resturaunt... you know, one of those places where there's a grill in the middle of your table and you put your meat and what-not on there and cook it yourself. so let me just explain a little bit of how much food there was.

to start off, let me say this: i have never seen so much food on one table at one meal at one time... ever. first we started with a salad (a huge and yummy one). then same soup, followed by the little dishes... there were tons of little dishes with awesome korean food. i would say about 20-25 of those little dishes alone. then, with the dishes came the rice. of course, i start eating the rice with all the little stuff, and then comes meat. the meat was incredible... i just loved it. i was near my limit with how much i could eat... i was getting really full. but wait, what's that? another serving of beef? ok, maybe a little more. another serving? ok, we'll see if i can eat a little more. just as i finish eating a little more beef, the waitress comes with a huge plateful of a different kind of meat to cook. i was SO full, but the food kept coming. after we cooked two or three servings of the new meat, out came the chicken. in the picture below, you can see one of the first servings of meat of the night on he grill... this is early on, not even halfway through. you can also see how incredibly full i am by the look on my face. i was struggling to find ways to make more room for food. by the time the chicken came out, i had already unbottoned my pants AND unzipped... if i went any further, i wouldn't be wearing pants anymore. so i figured this: "okay, the chicken is the last thing, i can take a few bites, right?" i did, but then, i discovered something new... and i should have know... there were still noodles to come... more food! now, before we went any furhter, i made sure there was no more food coming. after finding out it was finished, i slouched low in the booth and just sat there with my hands on my tummy... it was over. the food was awesome, don't get me wrong, but i just ate so much of it. i think the next time i go there, i will have to fast for a few days ahead of time. i know my brother would love this place, so when he comes back from japan, i am taking him there. there is so much food, and the amazing thing is that this is a normal meal in the korean culture. man, they know how to eat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm taking you to court for posting pictures of me without my consent.