schoooool's (almost) out, for, summer! schooool's out, (not quite) for, ever!
so, the only things standng between me and singing this song semi-truthfully are four very icky exams... well, three, because the bible exam will be easy. On the other hand, History, spanish, and the very-dreaded chemistry will not. I am trying to stay positve by thinking these happy thoughts: after thursday, never again will i have to deal with words like leptons, quarks, stoicheometry, polymers, and 1,2-ethyl 3,6-dioxylhexane (the last one is kind of made up, but believeme, there are things with very similar names).
these past few school years have been going by fairly quickly, especially this year (except during third period chemistry where time somehow seems to stop). thinking of the increase in speed of school years going by has brought me to remember something my grampa (my pop's pop) told me a long time ago... all of you, take note...
My bro Aldo graduated from highschool the same time i "graduated" from 6th grade. I remember seeing my bro graduate and thinking a few things: wow, he is
old. i can't believe he's going to college... i wanna go to college. it's going to take
forever to get to high school and then college. I expressed these very young and frustrated emotions to my grampa, and sure enough, he came up with some very clever and comforting (and quite amusing) words of wisdom. He looked at me and said: "Cookie (that's what he calls me), you know what? Your done with the first half of your education before you get to college... a whole half done! And you know what? The second half will go so much faster... (that's where i say "psshh, ya right!") Seriously. You wanna know how i know that? (of course i do!) Because, just like everything else in life, your school 'carreer' is like
a roll of toilet paper... (i giggle at that bathroom refrence) Seriously, school is like a roll of toilet paper...
the second half goes so much quicker than the first half!"
words to live by... life is like a roll of toilet paper. i've experienced it first hand and can attest to it... so pass it on!
there is a short disclaimer... yes, things will only go by faster now, but that is no reason for forgetting to stop and look around... go ahead, smell a few flowers, take a few second-glances at things you normaly just skim. I could go on... these are things that I write mainly as reminders to myself :)
but please don't dilly-dally... go towards a goal or something... and don't get stuck on this life...remember, there's more to come :)
i never realized the delicate balance there has to be with life...
i better stop now... thoughts are going straight from brain to keys without any processing, and i am beginning to ramble...