Monday, November 3


here are some pics from halloween weekend...
as you can see, a group of us got together and dressed up as mighty morphing power rangers...
only my favoritest show when i was a kid.
we made our costumes with thrifty clothing, felt, and a couple of safety pins. not bad if you ask me.
here are some of the pics, but do go to the gallery to see all of them... the latest albums added are "hayride of death" and "halloween" something or other.


Jillian said...


You make a great power ranger.

danielle said...

cute pics! very creative idea.
hope you are doing well! and hopefully we can connect soon...things have been crazy busy!

oh, i saw your mom at a football game a few weeks ago, so if you got a random/slightly disturbing picture from her...yeah that was my face :)