Wednesday, February 27

happy belated birthday to my blog

feb 21st marked three years since i started the blog.
happy birthday blog.
well, it's wednesday and the week is half over... and a week from saturday, i leave for my spring break in florida with the tennis team. so excited about that. i hear they have this thing called a sun than changes your skin from pasty white to nice and tan. that should be fun.
otherwise, not much else going on right now... just homework and class, and a little fun here and there.
to answer a popular question from the previous post: it kinda hurt for like 2 seconds when she actually put the needle through my ear and took out a little piece of cartilage, but otherwise, it wasn't bad at all.
oh, in english today, our teacher gave us each a bag of mini m&ms. my bag wouldn't open too easily, so i had to pull really hard to get it open. and what happens when you pull too hard... well, it opens of course, except with the consequence of mini m&ms flying all over the place.
i have a hard time in that class.
did i ever tell you the "orange" story? well, if i have, it's worth repeating.
my prof was making an analogy as to how all our examples and stuff should add together and fit with our thesis (main point). so if we had a green thesis, all our supporting elements would be colors that add to that... like blue and yellow. she then proceeded to ask the class, if our supporting elements were red and blue, what color would the thesis be? i confidently said out loud, "orange."
the class turned to look at me (i sit in the back). oops. i heard red, and got all excited because that's half the equation to make orange. but of course, the answer was not orange but instead was purple.
so now people think i don't know what my colors are.
oh well.
k, homework time.

Monday, February 25

the cat is out of the bag

and a needle went through my ear...
yup yup, i pierced my ear today. well i didn't pierce it, the professional did. there ya go. that was my crazy thing for the day.

hot chocolate, popcorn, and an intermission

what's the first thing that comes to mind for you when you hear those three things?
well, as of yesterday morning it means church for me.
I went with my friends to a church called "keystone" sunday morning... and the moment we walked in the place i was intrigued. First we grabbed our hot chocolate (free, might i add, and very very delicious) from the drink counter where they also had coffee as well. then we walked in to the seating area and grabbed some seats. I'd say about half the seating of rosewood back home (for those of you who know it)... or i guess i could say 10 times the seating of my house church back home... that's about right. anyway, much smaller than mars hill. there were even a couple of sofas... but after a late night and early morning, sofas are not a wise decision during church.
so we grabbed our seats (which were these chairs that were the most comfortable chairs i have ever sat in in a church... almost like patio furniture?). as i sipped on my fantastically delicious hot cocoa, i observed the place:
on the screen in the front was a countdown till church would begin (i love punctuality). i observed the average age... i'd say about 15-20 years younger than the average of rosewood... haha, sorry, i keep on picking on rosewood. i'll stop. so, i'd say 30s is the average... so a young church. the service began with a few songs and a little intro to what the sermon was going to be about... and then it was intermission.
yup. popcorn and socializing time. pretty cool--a five minute intermission. i had a lovely chat with the lady sitting in front of me while the others went and got popcorn. then we resumed and listened to the band play a song, and then the preacher came up and gave his sermon. fantastic sermon, might i add.
so, all in all, a great first experience, and i'm looking forward to going back. it looks like i might even get plugged in with a few things (my friends are pretty involved at the church).

my lesson learned for this weekend: God is fast, and God is good... and you shouldn't be surprised when He answers a prayer, even when you're not the one praying it.

have a wonderful rest of your monday... today's advice... do something crazy :)

wind and cheese (chicago and wisconsin)

okay, so here are the pics from this weekend... and they are in the randomest order possible. whatever.

so this pic: yummy fondue after the match at the house of a girl on the tennis team.

rose... bet that one was obvious.

okay, so i haven't quite managed to figure some stuff out yet, so i can't get my captions right (did i mention i am now on a mac??? so much to learn yet.)... so i will just go all in one shot.
so we've got my first jimmy john's experience... then the courts of our first match... this place was huge (unlike the second facility which looked like a green barn and only had three courts). then there's ping pong after the match. then there's, well, new form of advertising... and yes, i licked that. then the team (we won both our matches), my dub's partner (we won our 8-game pro set), and the wisconsin sign (which i have yet to crop and add to the collage).
'tis all. now time for more homework.
did i mention i am tired because we didn't get in until 3am this morning and i woke up early to go to church. there most definitely be a nap today.

Friday, February 22

i felt the sun

i saw the sun today, big and bright, and i felt a faint bit of warmth on my face. then the wind blew and it was gone.

i leave in about, oh, 45 minutes. tennis team is headed to chicago for our first match today. i'll be playing a doubles match at about 7:00pm central standard time. after the match, we'll be staying the night in chicago and then leave the next day for wisconsin.
cheese heads!
i won't be playing in wisconsin, but we'll be up against a very tough team (carthage).
i get back super late on saturday... super late... and then i'll be back, hopefully with some good pics.
sound good?

Wednesday, February 20

am pm

"my alarm didn't go off."
that is officially the story of my life.
lets see...
okay, so i have a 8am class every morning. my alarm is always set for 7am (i like long morning wake-up time) and usually press snooze once, waking up before the alarm goes off a second time.
yesterday morning, i woke up around 6:45 am, saw how early it was, and went back to sleep thinking, i'll wake up in 15 minutes when my alarm goes off.
i awoke again. however, not at the time i thought i'd be waking up at... i woke up at 9:15 am. oh shoot...i slept through my entire bio class. turns out my alarm didn't go off. since there was nothing i could do, i quickly jumped in the shower and was out of the shower by 9:30am. i get out of the bathroom and woke up my roomie... turns out, she had a 9:00am class. not only did my alarm not go off, but hers didn't either. we both slept through our morning classes. whoops.
today, as usual, i came back from bio at 8:50am and lay down on the futon for a nap until my 10:30am class. my roomie didn't have class til 10:30am as well. so there we both were, on the futon, napping before out 10:30. she even set her phone so that we would wake up. so, we nap.
i wake up. i look at the clock. 10:21. moments later, roomie wakes up, realizes it's 10:21. we both freak out and bolt out the door. i made it to my class at 10:30 on the dot. close call. turns out, her alarm was set to pm, not am. whoops.
after these two incidents, we have taken extra measures to assure that these types of things shan't happen again... hopefully.

hope y'all are having a wonderful day.

Sunday, February 17


All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I went for a walk
On a winter's day
I'd be safe and warm
If I was in L.A.
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

well, i wasn't really california dreaming today, but i heard the song on the radio and thought i'd put up the lyrics for a little fun.
actually, today was quite warm and rainy... super rainy... rain boot-rainy (i just got some fun rainboots for valentine's day from my parents... i'll have to put a picture of them up sometime). anyway, i was going to join my roomie this morning and go to church, but as we stepped outside, we realized it probably wasn't going to be possible... not wearing rainboots, we slipped and slided all the way to and through the parking lot. seriously, the ground was a slab of ice with puddles all over it. i was practically ice skating. we got to her car (keep in mind it's pouring), and since i was wearing regular shoes (which were already soaked), i was just going to wait for her to pull out. except, pulling out didn't happen. so i was standing in a puddle trying to help her push the car out. after all this ordeal, i was soaked up to my knees, the car got out, and then we decided not to go to church. so we just grabbed a closer parking spot, went back to the dorm, and dried off. then i typed my history paper in a half hour. suh-weet.

we also fixed our futon today... it's kind of amazing. i also splashed through puddles in my rainboots. good times.


Saturday, February 16


being the good student i am, i grabbed my backpack and treked all the way to the 5th floor of the library with my monster of a laptop on a saturday morning to begin working on my history paper that is due monday.
being the absent minded person i am, after making it to the library and setting everything up, i've managed to forget the one book i need in order to write this paper. i've also forgotten my head phones, which i would really like to have.
i am not about to pack all up and hike back to the dorm, grab the book, and come back. i guess it was just destined for me to procrastinate.
so instead of writing an intelligent history paper, i sit here writing on my blog... shall i fill you in on what's been going on lately.

well, lets start with the fact that the stomach flu has succesfully infiltrated our suite and has taken over our two suitemates this past week. so far, my roomie and i have managed to not get it. lets hope it stays that way.

in the matter of about one day, my sleeping habits have changed. no longer am i in bed at 10pm and up all fresh and happy in the morning. now, you're looking at a changed woman. i have tasted the fun of a late night doing homework and hanging out in the basement... the fun that happens after 10pm... i'm now quite the night owl. i know, i am quite shocked too. and its not even that my homework isn't done... i have plenty of time to finish it before tennis, it's just i like saving some of it now. i wouldn't call that procrastination.

i've been exposed to the greatness known as hobby lobby. my roomie and i went to hobby lobby last night, and let me tell you, this place is awesome. so much stuff... paper, yarn, all sorts of crafty stuff... and super cheap. almost everything was 50% off when we went. amazing.

snow. i absolutely love it... can't get enough of it. here's a fun little weather fact. last year, during the time period of december through february, grand rap had five days where they had 3 inches of snow or more in a day. this year, from december through the first week of february, grand rap has had ten days where we have gotten 3 inches of snow or more in a day... and we've had plenty since then. that's just a little example of how much snow we have been getting. so much fun.

it's sibling's weekend here at calvin, and everyone's got their little siblings running around, eating in the dining halls, playing in the dorms. it's really cute. it makes me wish my brothers were here (although, they aren't exactly younger siblings). funny thing: in the dining hall, there was a guy with his little brother, and he and his brother were smuggling out some food (a common occurence here) and he was giving his little bro the advice on making it out without getting caught: "dude, you just gotta walk out like you own the place." funny.

first two tennis matches coming up this friday and saturday--saturday's is in wisconsin. i've never been to wisconsin... i'm excited to add another state to my list and snap another picture of a "welcom to..." sign. those are my favorite. i want to make a collage of all the ones i have.
maybe that's what i'll do right now, since i don't have my paper materials.
***update*** did it... except i can't seem to find my ohio sign... i'll keep searching.***

and the most important news of all.
oh my goodness, i almost cried when i found out about this.
are you ready for this? cause it's HUGE.
no longer will polaroid be making polaroid instant film!!! i freaked out when i saw this. i have my super old polaroid camera here that i believe was my grandma's from when they first came out. so i'm gonna go out and stock up on some polaroid film.
this is huge, i mean, it's going to mark the beginning of a whole new era... kind of like, now, instead of 2008 A.D. it's going to be 1 A.P. ... after polaroid.

crazy times.

well, i am going to go work on that collage now.


Thursday, February 14

happy s.a.d.

single's awareness day. i wore the perfect shirt today: "in tennis, love means zero." plus it's green... not pink or red.
i shall comment no further on the most awkard holiday halmark ever created.

not much has been going on here... just homework and stuff. classes are going well, and so far it seems as though i haven't gotten myself in over my head... so that's good.

i best be off though. exam tomorrow, paper due monday, and so much more.

Tuesday, February 12

for those of you in california...

i recieved this in an email, and i am sharing this because it is all too familiar and far too acurate for me to not share it.
and you think traffic is all you need to beat...
***i just watched it and realized this is a different language version... anyway, the first set of words that come up say "bad morning?"

Monday, February 11


you know it's cold when you wake up and check the weather as to dress properly for the trek to breakfast. you know it is even colder when you wake up to this forecast, and the first thing that comes to mind is, "at what temperature do eyeballs freeze?"

after going out in that weather, i think the better question is, "how can i keep my snot from freezing?"

i saw that it was 7o-something back home... that makes me sick. actually, you know what, that's okay. you have 70 degree weather in winter, i have going to the movies on a saturday night for $3.50. yes, i paid the same amount that you would pay for popcorn alone to go see a movie. a group of us went to go see 'PS I Love You." it was really good. if you see it, bring a box of tissues.

anywho, so what do you do on a zero degree day with massive wind chills? build an igloo of course. actually, more like start to build an igloo. my suite mate and i started to build an igloo, but we only lasted about an hour and then had to go inside due to lack of feeling in the rear end. we're going to try and finish today though. pictures to come.

we had a fantastic meijer run last night... so much fun... we stocked up as if we were going to be hibernating. we also got some valentine's cards to pass out... mine are "viva pinata" themed. so excited about that. despite my participation in the handing out of valentines this year, it is still my least favorite "holiday," if you even want to call it that.

well, i must get going... stuff to do, and naps to take.

Friday, February 8

Cold Knight Club 2008 (this is the clip that was on the news that night... no, we didn't make it on tv)

you would look like this too if you knew that you were about jump into a frozen pond.

this is everyone taking the cold knight club pledge:

then catie, me, and lindsey just couldn't wait to warm up in a nice luke-warm at first then hot is a video clip of the whole event. the first person you see jump is alex (in the red shorts), then it's jordan and carolyn (you can't see that one too well), and then it's me and lindsey. i wish you could hear our screams. hilarious.

yup, so we are alive and well.

ta ta

Thursday, February 7

guess what?

chicken butt.

no, sorry, i couldn't resist. that is not what i wanted you to guess.

so lets try this again.

guess what?

*you say what*

i got the job!!!!!!!!

i am officially working at snow mountain ranch as as outdoor adventure educator in colorado this summer!!!!!!!!!

i am still dancing.

in my seat, i sit here bouncing up and down.

too excited...

must go run down the halls another time.


Wednesday, February 6


one more thing:
i don't think i have ever mentioned it before, but there is this guy, Troy M Litten, who has done what i have always wanted to do. he has these sweet photo collections called "wanderlust"... a bunch of photos of things and places he's seen all over the world... seriously, i have always been in love with his works. i'm sure you've seen some of his stuff. check out the site. i was reminded about it because i just got this cool set of wanderlust postcards that i am really excited about. it's the kind of photography that i just absolutely love and hope to get more in to sometime in my life.


free time

i'm taking a little break from my day to sit down and say hi.
saying that i've been a little busy would be quite the understatement. you see, when you've made a new year's resolution to be a model student and do all your reading and homework, it kind of ends up taking up a lot of time. it also shortens your day considerably when you make yourself finish all that homework before tennis practice because you know that you've got about 10 minutes after you get back from practice at 10:30pm and just crash for the night. what makes it even harder to skip out on homework is the fact that most of the reading and work is actually rather interesting, and, dare i say, entertaining. and that feeling of actually knowing what your professor is talking about in class because you did the reading the night before like you were supposed to... ya, so now that whole reading before class thing makes sense.
so classes have been busy... busy, but good.
right now, it is snowing really heavy, as it has been the entire day. forecast says 6-10 inches of snow today. isn't that amazing? its snowing super hard and the wind is blowing pretty good as well... so when walking paths, everybody's heads are down, not in an attempt to be anti-social but in attempt to save their eyes from being bombarded by the fine flakes flying in all directions.
by the way, to be random... i see that california voted for clinton... how did that happen? and don't anyone dare say its because i didn't vote. i've got my reasons.
creative dance class... i've been learning lots of things in that class that i've actually really enjoyed... things like, the fall and recovery theory, the shoulder girdle (my new favorite body part), and the three stages of learning a skill(cognitive, associative, and autonomic). for example, walking. do you realize how we walk with such little effort? i mean, i don't know about you guys, but when i walk, i don't focus and think to myself, left, right, left, right, left... what's next? oh ya, right. although with all this snow and ice i do pay a little more attention to my balance as i walk... in fact, judging by the numbers of slips i've seen lately, i'm thinking more people need to focus on that. anyway, it's wierd to think that it wasn't always that easy. a toddler, in the cognitive (earliest) stage of learning focuses so hard... you can just see the focus in the eyes of a toddler learning to stand up and figure out what to do in order to move themselves forward using their legs and feet... and then of course, falling multiple times before even getting that first step right. it's the same with every skill. heck, it's the same with almost all things in life. fascinating.
this friday... cold knight club here i come... my roomie and i are taking the plunge in the sem pond. i can't believe we are, but my motivation: free towel!
bummer: the indoor frisbee golf tournament in the library is february 22... the same day as my first tennis match which is a night match far away. i'm kind of really bummed about it.

well, its 3pm, and my free time is over.
ciao my friends.

Sunday, February 3

sled and climb

well, twas a fun weekend. a friend from home, danielle, came to check out calvin and see what this stuff is all about. after quite the travelling time, she finally made it to calvin, and rebekah and i played hostsesses. among the many fun things we did were a trip to meijer, lunch and Rose's on Reeds, and sledding. so this is a pic at rose's.
this is reed's lake frozen over with, yes, people ice fishing. the moment i saw this, i wanted to go ice fishing... like, really wanted to go ice fishing. so after talking to my friend angela, looks like i will be ice fishing some time this week. i am super excited.
sledding... my first time (except i think i went one time when i was 10 years old or something). anyway, our sleds? big metal cookie sheets. in this pic, you see danielle getting up and recovering from quite the ride, and me rubbing my back side... these metal sheets aren't very gentle on the rear... and lets just say, after one wipe-out imparticular, i've got a nasty bruise in a spot that hurts when you sit.

Rebekah and flat stanley... those two go everywhere together...
my preferred method of sledding... see the cookie sheet?

this is danielle... she looks pretty terrified... sorry i forgot to rotate it.
the three of us. what in the world would we do without the self-timer function.
so today, sunday, i went with my roomie, a friend from ultimate, and my roomie's brother and his fiance to inside moves... the indoor climbin gym. it was a ton of fun, but super tiring... super tiring.

here's my roomie climbin on up...

this is my roomie's brother... he's kind of crazy good.
me messing around in the bouldering section.
matt attempting the cave...

my favorite hold in the entire place... although, it seems to have absolutely no grip.
me attempting this doozy of a climb. it was very tough, very tiring.

roomies. what would we do without eachother. we found yet another reason for why we are roomies: our mutual love for this joke--
so there were these two muffins, hanging out in an oven, getting baked.
one muffin turned to the other and said, "man, it is really hot in here."
the other muffin looks at him and says, "holy crap! a talking muffin!"
haha, i love it.

speaking of ovens, that's exactly what the climbing gym was not. it wasn't even 50 degrees in the gym... so cold.
yup yup, good times.
ciao for now. have a good time.
PS so far, i am thoroughly disappointed by the overall quality of the super bowl commercials.