Monday, September 26

computers are weird

well, i just noticed that my computer that was messing up a week ago and not letting me post randomly posted all the posts i tried posting. it's quite funny, as beth pointed out, that you can see my frustrating growing and my patience leaving. anyway...

big match tomorrow against connelly... in the past, our team has not been able to get a single game against this girl named lindsay kinsler. you know what, this year, i am fired up, pumped up, and ready. i am gonna come out tomorrow swinging and on fire. i want my game off this girl, and i sure hope that i can get it. Isn't it great how one game can mean so much :) i got as close as ad-in against her last year, but this year, hopefully i will get the full game.

well, i am off to do homework.. i wanna get it done so i can sleep and prepare!



Anonymous said...

Go Stina...go Stina....I know you can do it! Just do your best....
and everything will be fine!
(your #1 fan)

Anonymous said...

hey dood! put up more pictures from the tree of jota. i wanna seeee!!! cuz they take too long to send on msn. =)

Anonymous said...

hey dood! put up more pictures from the tree of jota. i wanna seeee!!! cuz they take too long to send on msn. =)

Anonymous said...

hey dood! put up your pictures from the tree of jota cuz i wanna see them!!! and it takes too long to send on msn =)

this is my 2nd time typing this comment. i accidentally pressed "publish" twice and thought it would show up twice, but it didn't. well, if you get three comments, you know why.

Anonymous said...

yep. that's exactly what happened.


Anonymous said...


update!!! c''s time for a new post. i already have like....4 comments on this one, this is my 5th. =)