Wednesday, September 21

i want to punch my computer

i just spent 20 minutes typing up my blog, and then there was an error so it wouldn't post... i will summarize because i do not want to retype it all...

-weather=crazy, but i love the thunder and lightning... love it! especially the deep vibrating i feel in my chest from the super loud thunder... and i love the crazzy looking lightning!

-bummed out about match cancellation... only downside to rainy weather.

-car was soiled, not cleaned, by the rain... filthy, absolutely filthy... i couldnt see through my windsheild... my car looked like i had gone off-roading.

-so, i washed my car :)

-had no homework cause i got it all done when teacher gave us time in class... and with my free time in my TA period i got my history done. (did i mention i am TA-ing with a PE class? well i am).

-tired, gonna sleep and rest up for match tomorrow


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