Wednesday, September 5

new car smell

second day of classes is done.
so today, since i didnt have my pe201 class (which is usually at 11:30), i only had rel 131 (theology) and that wasn't until 2:30. that's my class schedule for mon wed fri. when you wake up at 7am, that's a lot of time til your first class. i got all my homework finished by 10am today... for tomorrow's classes and the next day's. pretty sweet. i finished that tolstoy book, and it actually was a pretty good story, just really hard to read. so i am really liking my schedule (though i am sure it's going to get tougher).

so here's my little story for today.
some of you may remember when i first got my license and started driving. and then also when we first got the honda cr-v (affectionately known as Hans... that's the name jenny and i came up with on the way out here... i think it was somewhere in nebraska that this name came up.. should explain a lot.) anyway, when i first started driving on my own, would always get this goofy feeling... just so excited that i was driving, and get this big grin as i turned on the car and shifted in reverse to back out. or even just driving along, listening to the radio, i was very aware that i was doing this awesome task of driving, and enjoying every moment of it. and, i have to admit, even today when i walk up to my car, unlock it and hop in... i still get that exciting feeling and grin. there are these elements to this now-common task that i just absolutely love.

so now, class ended at 3:20, grabbed my backpack, pulled out a little snack i had packed for after class, and walked across campus back to noordeweir... passing people playing frisbee on the commons, other people walking to and from class, seeing a little crowd in johnny's... and i am walking to noordeweir in this awesome weather, eating teddy grahams, wearing my backpack, and that same goofy feeling... you know, the feeling that makes you stand up a bit straighter, grin, and say, hey, i'm a college student... i'm a calvin college student... and i'm walking to my dorm, on 3rd noordeweir... and i just got done with class... a college class.
same goofy feeling as with my car... same grin... same great feeling.

so, if y'all are wondering if i am enjoying this whole college thing, i think that should cover it.

i'm going to go play tennis with a few girls at the gainey complex in a bit... i am so excited to play, i haven't played since i moved in... an entire week and one day!!! and then when i get back, it's all about andy roddick vs federer tonight (which was part of my incentive for gettting all my work done this morning).
i'm trying to stay positive, for andy's sake.



Jen said...

I totally know what you mean about that goofy car driving feeling. I also feel that way sometimes about living the "adult life" like I am really doing cool!

Enjoy every minute of it.

ooshela said...

great to hear the semester is off to a good start for you!

danielle said...

you describe feelings well. right on! yes, today thinking "i'm a upperclassmen" kinda made me stand up a little straighter.

yay for playing tennis! i played today, and yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that, and i'll play tomorrow, and friday... :) ha ha! sorry. couldn't resist.

glad to hear you're doing well!