Saturday, February 3

PART 1: the illustrated version of JTree, with a few words

here are my few words for now to hold you off until i start typing out a bunch of stories in the days to come.

i wish that everyone i know could experience something like a wilderness challennge trip... in fact, i think this trip would be a great example... having mr.becksvoort as our speaker put it over the top.

lemme just say this: i would pay to have you experience a wilderness challenge trip, every aspect of it... and of course, i would pay a little extra to leave out the way i smell right now, because no one should experience this... i smell bad.
anyway, i will put up pics with a few words if needed... click for big!
this is up in rattle snake canyon where there is pretty much nothing but
rocks and sand... however, there is a huge green tree growing right out of the rock... must be water somewhere!

does anyone else think, "UH OH" when they see this picture? -->

these are pics of the moon rising... it was a full moon that night, and it was crazy bright... no need for a flash light... i was messing around with camera settings for these pictures.

this morning i woke up before the sunrise to go set up a system, so i had the blessing of seeing the sun rise (top) and the moon set (bottom)...

this is my chipmunk friend who hung out with me today while waiting for teams to come to my migz station. i put my apple core down to see if he wanted it, and well, he literally jumped onto and clothes-lined the apple core (which was actually slightly bigger than his own size). he then wrapped his front arms around it and bounced off.

stories to come :)


rebekah said...

Yeah, I agree, EVERYONE should experience Wilderness Challenge. You are so lucky to have gone so many times.
"If you're not screwing down, you're screwing up!"

danielle said...

awsome pictures!
i'm glad you had a fun time. wilderness challenge seems like a really fun class.
see ya soon! (i hope) :)

Jillian said...

Those pictures are so great!
And the chipmunk is adorable. :)