here's my popped balloon... i must say, it feels mighty fine to pop a balloon after an exam.
now for the best part of my day... i got a surprise package!!!! it was a "finals week care package" from the ladies in my bible study back home...the package was complete with everything from muffins and hot cocoa to ping pong balls and jelly bellys...
you guys rock my socks... again, thank you!
now i have a newfound motivation to get through these exams... two more days, three more exams... just like the little engine that could... "i think i can... i think i can..."
and to end, a funny quote written in the morgue (study room in our dorm) to show the insanity of the students right now:
"sweet Jesus, rapture me now."
see y'all soon
I have yet to have the pleasure of popping my balloons... grrr...
Actually I don't like popping them. They scare me. Frannie laughed really hard when I had to pop the one you stuck on my door.
And you spelled Noordewier wrong!! What kind of third noordewierian are you?? ;)
Hahahaha... we are doing the same thing! It's so cool! I was really excited.
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