Wednesday, December 12

gerald r. ford airport

i'm sitting in yellow vinyl seats, right in front of a big window overlooking the runway, an amazing sunset in the works, planes taking off, planes landing, and jazz elevator music playing here at gate B1 where i await my flight to chicago, and then home.
kinda crazy? ya
kinda amazing? OH YA!
i LOVE travelling, and i am loving this whole travelling solo thing... it's pretty stinkin' sweet.

next time i post, i shall be at home in good ol' bellflower, california.

and this is for you rebekah: there are two guys sitting a few rows away speaking french. i know it's french because they frequently say "wee." haha, how do you spell that word? i dunno, so i just did it phoenetically.

i love airports!



rebekah said...

Oooooooooooh, I am jealous. French!!!!!!!

French rocks my socks.

I was going to post something about you being in the air flying over who-knows-where, but just looked at the clock and realized you haven't even left GR yet...

Happy flying!!

P.S. "oui" :P

Jillian said...

Oooooh you are comming home! Yay! Too bad you'll be in SD when I'm not. :(
But you'll be in California! :)

Anonymous said...


shizdog said...

Wee. That made me laugh.

Yay, you're home. How exciting! I hope the flight went well.