Tuesday, June 12

SO not fair

no piggy! don't go there!!!
there i sat, 18 years old, in a red chair (a green one to my left and an orange one to my right), in a room that had the colorfol border of trains, trucks, cars and planes driving along a road, with three kids directly in front of me (ages of about 2-4) playing with mega legos and those little wire things that you can move beads across, waiting for the lady to call my name for me to go back in to the even more colorful rooms filed with colorful distractions like puzzles and books where i would sit and wait for my pediatrition.
while i waited for my name to be called, i picked up a book, "piggy goes to the beach." sounds delightful? no, in this book, a wolf is hiding behind the rocks at the beach preparing to feast on piggy's bacon-butt, all the while piggy's mom is sleeping on the beach. piggy runs off to the rocks to put a crab back in a tidepool, the very same tidepool the wold is waiting at! piggy, don't go there!!!
"cristina stavro..."
man, i had to put down the book and go in for my appointment... bummer. so i went back in colorful room #10 and waited. got my temp taken, weighed, measured, and then finally came in my doctor. i must say it was quite a delightful time with her. she wanted to hear all about my college plans, and she even got a bit teary-eyed because i was off to college. she's been my pediatrition for quite some time. anyway, she told me of the shots i would have to take, and after denying one of them, the total came to three. she told me that a nurse would be in shortly to give me my "poke-ys"... i am 18 years old and she still calls them poke-ys... gotta love her.
so she left and i waited. i couldnt remember the last shot i had taken... it had been a while, so i couldn't quite remember what it felt like and whether or not i should be scared or nervous or something. as i waited, from two rooms down came the scream and cry of another child recieving a shot... but sure enough a nurse came down the hall with a suckey for that little kid. i concluded, despite the scream of the child two doors down, that there was nothing to be worried about.
in came the nurse, rubber gloves on, holding a tray with three needles. "ready?"
um, sure?
in goes number one... um, OW! before i can realize what's going on, number two, um ya, major OW! and then number three in the right arm, ahh, not so bad, wait, OW!
man, shots hurt, but i was a good kid, and i didn't scream OR cry... but wait... did I get a sucker... NO! i was so much better than that other kid, and they didn't even give me a sucker! haha, well, at least i got some pretty sweet band aids.
however, my arms have been at my side the entire day, and even typing this is a little hard for me, because my arms are SO stinkin sore... i can't believe it. hopefully it'l wear off soon.
on the way out of my doctors office, the suspense was killing me, and i just had to finish "piggy goes to the beach."
piggy gets away just fine, and the wolf gets what he deserves...
a pinch in the but by the crab that piggy rescued.
gotta love happy endings!


Anonymous said...

That's one tough pose you got going on there, although the band-aids are a little silly. Congrats on surviving the pediatrician! God knows how many children succumb to those evil harbringers.

danielle said...

pobre cristina! shots = no fun! but, you lived!
only you would have actually gone and read the rest of the book...so funny! see ya! :)

Jillian said...

Stina took it like a woman! Those guns can handle anything! :)

shizdog said...

OMG. I... hate... shots. With a passion. What's the HPV shot? Am I going to have to get it? Omg. Omg.


And I have to get blood drawn before South Africa. Unlike you, Stina, I am not a big girl... I cry AND scream (Sarah knows).